Catalog Access
Access our online catalog! This service is perfect for those with little time to spend at the library searching for titles or subjects. It is also great for our patrons who live out of town. You can even submit hold requests online.
No time to stop by the library to renew your books? Using our online catalog, you can renew your books online. Simply log in to your account using your last name and your library card number to renew, place holds, leave book reviews and for electronic resources. You can also call us during normal business hours at 207-532-1302 or email us at to request a renewal.
24/7 Book Return
Can't return your books during our operating hours? No problem, we have an outside book return that you may place your books in when we are closed.
Downloadable Audiobooks and eBooks
The Cary Library is offering a new addition to our library collection: Downloadable audiobooks & eBooks. This digital audio collection allows patrons to download an audiobook onto a computer, iPod / mp3 player, smart-phone, or e-Reader and enjoy listening to a good book! Access this collection now!
Printing, Photocopying & Scanning
We offer limited printing, photocopying, scan-to-pdf and scan-to-email services on a cost per page basis, for documents sized up to 11"x17".
Computer and Internet Access, including Walk-In Wi-Fi
We offer limited Internet access to all patrons and guests. Users must follow the guidelines and limitations expressed in our Acceptable Use Policy. Our Internet access computers may be used by any patron or guest who has signed the policy, and has signed in at the circulation desk. Use of Internet services from library computers is restricted to one hour if there are others waiting to access the machines. We also offer walk-in Wi-Fi wireless access to the Internet for those seeking connectivity via their personal laptop/tablet/smart-phone/etc. All of our Internet access computers equipped with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.) for word processing and document editing purposes. Each system has USB ports which can accommodate memory sticks for convenient backup of personal files. There is a laser printer connected to the network. We do require a nominal charge for all printed pages.
Interlibrary Loan
Books, periodicals, and other information sources that are unavailable at our library may be borrowed from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan. Patrons wishing to retrieve sources using Interlibrary Loan must be in good standing with the library as far as fines and overdues. You may ask for an ILL form at the Circulation Desk. On this form, please provide the title, author, publisher, and date of pubication, along with your name and phone number. Once we receive your ILL request, it generally takes 1-3 days for you to get the materials. The lending library that loans us the book to loan to you sets a due date on the materials in addition to our due date. The items are due back to our library in time to return them to the lending library. The Cary Library is part of URSUS, an electronic database containing the collections of most Maine libraries. This program allows us to view the titles available at the libraries around the state and to make ILL requests for you quickly and easily. Patrons can also request ILL by e-mailing us at